What’s All the Hype About Shiplap!

With the popularity of HGTV shows like Fixer Upper and Joanna Gaines design style more people are asking about shiplap, this southern style staple and how to use it as a design element.  Knowing what it is and isn’t can help you to decide if it is the right choice for your project.

First it is important to know that true shiplap is very specifically routed boards applied horizontally.  As pictured below, it’s the notches (called rabbets) which interlock to create a flush surface which becomes watertight when used for its original purposes on ships and as an exterior surface material.  

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You can purchase shiplap in a variety of wood species and finish in a natural rustic style or paint it any color that you can imagination.  The cost varies from approximately $2.50/sq ft-$7.00/sq ft based on quality, the type of wood chosen and where you live. For example locally sourced wood species may be less costly than more exotic ones.  If you are considering this as a DIY project, you should carefully consider your skill level before attempting and if you are not proficient paying a professional may be a wise investment as mistakes can be quite costly.  According to HomeAdvisor.com the national average costs for hiring professional installation of a 200/sq ft room is between $1000-$1700. Please consider your geographic location and current market when pricing out your job.  There are also additional materials required such as underlayment, nails, spackle, wood filler and finishing which need to be factored into your costs for the project.

If you would like any other information about this or any other design areas please contact me at liz@chrysalizdesign.com or call the office at 732 270-4546.

Liz Balogh   Chrysaliz Design,LLC